David Bowie Guitar Chords and Lyrics

Dive into the world of David Bowie with our collection of guitar chords. Each song is crafted to highlight the unique melodies and chords that David Bowie fans love.

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Portrait of David Bowie

Do you know anyone who has been into music for half a century and even more? Yes, there are not many such musicians, but David Bowie was one of them.

He started doing music when he was 15, and his first singles didn't give him any popularity. It came only in 1969, when his song called "Space Oddity" was among the top five tracks of the Official Singles Chart.

But the greatest success David had got thanks to his album about Ziggy Stardust. At this time he even created this very character, who was androgynous (he had the male and female traits).

During all his life David Bowie was interested in different genres, and that's why he was often called "the chameleon of rock music". To add to this, he was always creating new heroes and working with his style.

David Bowie was writing the lyrics and chords himself. But he wasn't just a musician. He was a really talented person, who also tried himself as an actor, an artist, a sound engineer and a filmmaker. Not all of his pieces of work were auspicious, but some of them were really appreciated by the audience.

David was continuing his work with music till his death. In 2016 he released a new album called "Blackstar". Two days after that he passed away. The point is that for the last one and a half year he has been suffering from cancer.

Today David Bowie is still included into the Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time - there he is on the 39th position. He didn't only create music but also had an impact on many other stars and bands - the Cure, Ramones, Iggy Pop, Madonna, Placebo and many others.

David Bowie Official Site: www.davidbowie.com

Guitar Chords by David Bowie

Browse through our selection of songs by David Bowie below. Click on any song title to access the complete guitar chords, lyrics, and a brief tutorial on how to use these guitar chords.

Each song page includes easy-to-follow chord charts and lyrics, ensuring you can start playing right away. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, these arrangements will help you enhance your guitar skills while enjoying the music of David Bowie.

Select a song from the list to see detailed chords and start playing!

David Bowie Song List